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Back from California

Writer's picture: Leah JonesLeah Jones

I’m back from a long week on the road for work. Despite staying in one hotel for 7 of the seven nights, I was exhausted at the end of the week to the point of not being to talk to the amazing women I met on Sunday morning for brunch. And apparently I haven’t quite recovered, because I didn’t want to put that last period there. Nope, I wanted to keep writing and writing and writing and writing that one long sentence into an even longer sentence.

Deep breath.

It was a great week and an exhausting week. I taught for four days, had social events most evenings ranging from a chill dinner with one friend to going to the SummerMash party with a bajillion other people. The week had many highlights, but one of the brightest moments for me was celebrating kabbalat shabbat at the Mission Minyan.

I’ve written before me that I love the experience of being in a small space, full of people and doubly full of voices singing. Mission Minyan, even on a reportedly small night, gave me that. We gathered in the Audre Lorde room of the Women’s Building, on the where block I used to live, to welcome in Shabbat.

I was there with three people I’ve traveled to Israel with and many strangers, but we sang the songs to welcome shabbat together and I certainly didn’t feel like a stranger. After services, we walked around the corner (past my old apartment) and went to shabbat dinner. How fun to have burritos after saying kiddush and motzei. To sing in a living room after dinner with peers.

I have plenty of other moments to write about, but that’s all I have energy for tonight. Tomorrow morning I sign a listing agreement with a realtor and then next Monday, but place officially goes on the market. Eeek!

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