1. Good thing I’ve been practicing Prosperity Thinking. Otherwise I would have had a heart attack when I opened my electric bill. $179. Holy shit. Granted, there was $50 from the last bill that I didn’t pay, but still going from $40/month to $130/month is rough. Next step: writing myself a check for a million dollars, just like Jim Carey did.
2. I’d like to buy a vowel. I’ve tried very hard in the past to learn the lesson of not filling in the blanks. We make insane assumptions about other people when we do. It is apparently a lesson I’m still working on. My apologies.
3. Second chances. I think they exist. I’m just sayin’ that out loud.
4. Breaking old contracts. I was reading a book on relationships a few months ago and the author wrote that we needed to break old contracts. Like if 16 year old you decided to become a nun and you made that declaration, you need to break that contract because if it was strong enough, the universe might still be holding it to you. This morning a cheesy ass love song I wrote in 8th grade popped into my head. “Oh,” I thought, “that’s the contract I have out there. I’m gonna break that one with you Universe.” I won’t pain any of you with the lyrics other than to say it painted a picture of the lovelife I’ve had to date. I BREAK THAT CONTRACT.
5. Writing new contracts. I’ll be writing a new cheesy love song this weekend, just in case the universe doesn’t believe me. I might even write down and set fire to the old cheesy lyrics. Seriously people, there was sheet music involved.