I keep reminding myself–this is how hot it must be in the desert in Iraq. Add 70 pounds of clothing, weapons, a helmet, and this insufferable heat everyday–that is what the soldiers are dealing with everyday. Then I think about how blessed I am to have air conditioning and the means to take an air conditioned car to an air conditioned (over priced) movie theater and then to eat in an air conditioned restaurant before getting in the air conditioned car to return to my air conditioned condo. How blessed I am to not be working as a day laborer or farmer or waitress on a patio or ice cream cart guy or roofer or anything today.
It is really fucking hot in chicago, that is what I’m trying to say, but I’m trying to keep my cool–physically, mentally, and spiritually. So I’m going to take a nap and not think about how brain melting hot it is today.