Improv Class at Annoyance Theater.
Getting lost in the Southport/Lincoln area and then trying to find my way into St. Adolphus and then trying to find my class.
Having a lovely thai dinner with my sister at Siam Country.
Walking all around Ravenswood and Lincoln Square with my sister and friend Vern and her baby.
Lunch with my sister, Vern, and baby.
Walking all over the loop shopping and only coming home with a new purse. But my sister got the pants she was after, so all was good.
Croissants at the Shop.
Much needed sleep.
Late night shopping at Jewel.
Late night shopping at Target.
Yummy dinner with my sister at El Tipico on Foster.
Work, work, work.
Saying goodbye to my friend Beth.
More much needed sleep.
Talking Beth’s ear off at The Daily and catching up after five years of not seeing each other.