Can you see the sun shining through the clouds?
Can you hear the angels singing?
Can you taste the sweet nectar of the gods?
Not unless you are joining me for dinner tonight or going to the Durango Diner for breakfast. I know I have written about it before, but today my Green Chile arrived from the Durango Diner. Three pints of pure, unadulterated pleasure. I opened it and grabbed a spoon and had a few spoonfuls, because I couldn’t wait. I am certainly having some eggs and green chile tonight for dinner. Maybe I’ll heat up a bowl… I don’t know. This has to be the most expensive green chile ever–$50–most of that was shipping. But none of it broke and it got through customs.
If you’ve never had it, I don’t expect you to understand. I do, however, expect you to have some as soon as possible. Thank you Gary! Thank you, thank you, thank you.