Sometimes horoscopes are spot on and sometimes they are hooey. I read Free Will Astrology and AstrologyZone. This month Susan at AstrologyZone claimed that I would have a lot of travel coming my way. She said, “Break out the travel brochures because it appears you are about to travel far and wide, if not now in December, then soon, dear Aries. You were born with a natural spirit of adventure, so the idea of seeing new sights has to be exciting. Even if you can only investigate a new city that’s based just over the boarder (still considered “international”), doing so may prove to be just the refreshment you need. If you are like one pretty Los Angeles Aries native that I know who was scratching her head as she was thinking, “Gee, I don’t have any plans to travel other than to go to New York for my work in late December” I say, JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE!”
When I read that a wee five days ago, all I had on my calendar was a business trip to the WOMMA conference and a trip home for Christmas. All of the sudden I’m going to New York on Thursday. Not like in a week or in two weeks, but in two days. I’m going on a total jet-setting trip: there and back in one day. ONE DAY!
I just hope the rest of her month’s forecast is right, if so I really will be taking my trip to Israel in March.
In other news, I got a nice comment from one of the editors of What Ruth Possessed asking me to submit and a notice that American Greetings is doing a Christmas Card Freelance drive. Now I know where my Israel money is coming from, I will sell some cards this time. There also exists the possibility of writing for PresenTense in the future.
OH! and what I meant to say was that I’m off to get my nails done and do some shopping before I head to Annoyance to see some improv.