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  • Writer's pictureLeah Jones

Unexpected Benefits of Weight Loss

Okay, I’ve been doing this WW thing for over 6 months now. I’ve been successful and then hit a plateau about 6 weeks ago. Since a couple weeks before I left London to now, I’ve been bouncing around the same GD pound. Grrrr.

Anyway, this week I recommitted by starting to go to the gym This is the first time I’ve made a point to add EXERCISE to my weight loss regime. Not that WW is a regime, more friendly despot. (okay, I don’t really know, I’m throwing words around.)

I’ve been to the gym twice this week. On Monday I did 10 minutes on the eliptical trainer and then 20 on a bike and some sit ups. Today I did 30 on the eliptical and then some nautilus machines for abs and near ab muscles and also I used the weight assisted chin up/dip machine.

The last time I went to the gym, I weighed to much to use the weight assisted machine. It puts your weight against the weight on the machine and you chin-up/dip the difference. So, I could only get it to like 60 lbs before—way (weigh) too much. Today I have lost enough weight that I can properly use the machine and I did chin-ups and dips at 35 lbs. It felt great to do and I’m sure I’ll feel it in the morning.

The other major benefit is the space between my thighs. What? They don’t rub, I didn’t have to keep pulling my shorts down, nothing was riding up and nothing was causing so much friction a fire could start.

Other things? Now I suddenly understand why everyone else doesn’t buy XL shirts. My XL shirts that I exercise in are now loose. Loose XL shirts!!! Hooray. No more pulling the shirt over my knees to stretch it out a little or tugging on the neck or shirtsleeves.

I’ll keep this up. It is time to move forward, this plateau has been pretty sexy, but I’m ready to start losing again.

Bring it.

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