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  • Writer's pictureLeah Jones

Whats in a Blog?

Blogs. Blogging. Blogged. Blogger.

If it were in spanish

Blogo Blagas Blaga Blagamos Blagais Blagan

Blog is short for Web Log. It is kept by someone, like myself, who thinks they have something to say, wants to keep an online diary, a way to keep in touch with friends, a form of self-publishing, a way to force yourself to write everyday. Web Log quickly got said quicker, Weblog and Blog got pulled out of that and is what these online diaries are called. I am sure that other people have different definitions. I know a girl, we volunteer together, who met her boyfriend because of her blog.

He is a reporter for the London Times (I think) and was asked to write an article about the phenom of blogging. He found her blog and interviewed her and from there, voila, a relationship.

Mainly, for me, it is an online diary so that I won’t send mass emails to people who may or may not want to read about every green pepper I buy in London. And it forces me to chronicle my stay in London and touring Europe.

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