I got an email last night from a reader asking me for any resources for single Jews-byChoice. Those of us who converted or are converting without a Jewish partner.
I pointed her to JewsByChoice.org , where I believe two writers fit the bill. At least one seems to be currently be a JBC without a Jewish partner and another converted single and then married his Jewish wife. But it brings up a great question, where are the resources for single JBCs or singletons on a Jewish path? Now taking your suggestions.
Lemme clarify one thing before I hit publish. I don’t think there are less-than or greater-than reasons for conversion. While romance often opens the door to Judaism, I don’t think I’m a better convert because I didn’t “do it for marriage.” I think even when it is the date stamped on ivory note cards, there is a shift inside each JBC as they take the path to mikvah.