The first reaction to, “My blog is Accidentally Jewish,” is usually laughter and then the person will ask, “why is it called that? How are you accidentally Jewish?”
I say, “well, I converted,” and they respond, “That sounds intentional, not accidental.”
True, true.
When you are studying something intensely, sometimes you need breaks. When I was studying Judaism, sometimes I needed breaks from Jewish books. I would go, pick out some book from the store, like The Geisha’s Granddaughter and it would wind up having a Jewish theme. Argh.
Ronnie and I were eating chicken pot pie at some point during the year of study leading up to my conversion. I was complaining about a book I was reading, “all I wanted was a non-Jewish book, I can’t read another book about Judaism… and this one turned out to be accidentally Jewish. All these books are accidentally jewish!”
Ronnie said it would be a good name for a book. I said, “No, my book will be called Shabbat and the Single Girl.” This blog, however, took on the name. (And so did my manuscript that is currently gathering dust in a drawer.)