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  • Writer's pictureLeah Jones

A year or so and a couple anniversaries.

Just over a year ago (Sept 27 or 28) I was walking to Siam Country to have Lunch with my friend and fellow writer Amy. On my way to the ATM, I heard a screech and a thump and a yell, “Call 911!”

Maybe nobody yelled, but I turned around and saw Hassan falling to the ground after he was hit by a car. I called 911, as did a number of other people, then ran out of my flip flops and over to Hassan. I didn’t know his name before the accident, but everyone else was saying his name, so I learned it quickly. I wrapped my sweatshirt around his head and talked to him while we waited for the ambulance. Hassan had some bleeding on his brain and a few broken bones. It was touch and go for awhile, so I made a deal with God. Hassan lives and I’ll start Weight Watchers.

Totally bizarro swap, I know, but at the time it made sense. Controlling my eating would be a great sacrifice for me. So on September 28, 2003, I joined Weight Watchers Online.

In the last year I have lost nearly 40 lbs, I’ve been bouncing around 40 lbs since March. I have also gone from a 22/24 to a size 16. I can now shop at Old Navy and H&M. Just this week I’ve been trying to figure out what is wrong with my pants, was I gaining weight? Nope. While I’m not losing weight right now, I am losing inches. I make it a point to get to the gym for a bit of cardio and maybe pilates or an abs class.

The Non Scale Victories I have had this year include.

  1. Being able to buy clothes at Old Navy, H&M, and other non-plus size stores. After shopping at Lane Bryan exclusively since 1997, I don’t know what to do with myself or how to pick out clothing. Where do you start when everything fits?

  2. Coming home from London in March a size 18, after having gone to London a 22.

  3. I can do the eliptical machine for over 30 minutes.

  4. I fit into the pec deck at the gym, at my highest weight, I couldn’t squeeze into it.

  5. I can do the weight adjusted chin-ups and dips. At my heighest weight, I couldn’t get below a 50 lb difference. Now I can chin-up around 45 lbs.

  6. Giving away my plus size wardrobe, because I will never need it again.

  7. Feeling sexy and flaunting it a little.

  8. Getting lots of compliments on my new haircuts and glasses, when it was really a thinner face.

  9. Walking, walking, walking, climbing stairs, and being able to carry two 3-gallon containers of ice cream at a time.

There have been countless others. And my deal with the higher power? Hassan started school at DePaul University this fall as a freshman. I feel the trade off was pretty good.

So, one year later, I have celebrated with my first pair of size 16 pants since Freshman or Sophomore year of college. Pretty awesome since next weekend is my five year reunion. Hooray! What a great feeling to going back to Millikin and looking better than ever.

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