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Blog-to-Book update–taking advice

I took Becky’s advice last night and curled up with the Writer’s Market for 2006. This time, I turned to the Book Publishers section instead of consumer magazines. I was flipping through and found some of the publishers of some Jewish books I’ve enjoyed–no big surprise there. But then, Ah Ha! In the back of the section, the URJ Press. The URJ, the Union of Reform Judaism. That would be the overarching organization that my congregation belongs to, the movement I am active in.

If there is a publisher that is interested in the story of a reform conversion it is the Union of REFORM Judaism. If there is a hot topic within the reform movement right now it is CONVERSION. If there is a great writer about reform conversions it is, um, me?

So I put a post it note next to it and then after services this morning took a more important step. I asked Rabbi Zedek if he knows anyone over there, could he maybe help a sister out ? He said to send him the query and he would get it into the right hands.

Gulp. Is it possible that I will actually see Accidentally Jewish on paper other than Kinko’s paper? I think it is. It might not be the URJ Press that does it, but this is step two, maybe three? Now I just need to write the query, get a few sample essays together, and send Rabbi Z the email.

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