We have been doing some serious cleaning at the shop. Okay, WE haven’t, but Andy and John have. Yesterday Andy came in with a 5 lb bag of pistachios and told us to split it or throw it out. Al and I were all over it and I grabbed a quart for myself. Now I’m sitting at my computer (with a wireless internet connection [thanks Jonathon!]) having pistachios and diet coke for breakfast. I’m not sure this is on the WW meal plan, I’ll have to check.
My new roommate moved in this weekend. Spidey immediately stole his new loaf of bread and destroyed it. Crazy carb loving cat. Crazy, crazy. Even though Spidey didn’t exactly welcome him, he still went to Best Buy and bought us a wireless router and set up our apartment for WiFi. Now I can sit anywhere and be on the internet. It rocks.
Al moved in across the alley, so now I have a writing partner and co-worker. Last night we went to the Golden Angel to see how it compares to the Golden Nugget, Golden Apple, and Le Sabre. Le Sabre is still my favorite, but the Golden Angel had a certain 80’s diner charm. And a certain russian mafia charm. And a certain “hee hee hee” we’ve never been drunk before, let’s order STRAWBERRIES charm. But the staff at Le Sabre keeps my coffee cup full and my water glass full, which Mary did not do last night.