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Four opportunities to donate on Erev Pesach

Writer's picture: Leah JonesLeah Jones

Here are four opportunities to make a donation on Erev Pesach.

1. Last night I saw a retweet that an 18-month old baby had died. As I followed the link, I learned that it was Maddie Spohr daughter of Heather Spohr. While I did not read her blog or know of her before that tweet, my heart goes out to her. A mother should never outlive her children and I simply can’t imagine losing a daughter so young. The Twitter and blogging community is coming together by donating to the March of Dimes in her honor.

2. Pilcrow is a go again this year! May 17 to 23rd in Chicago. May 23 will be the big day of panels with the Big Event that night. Hope to see people out again this year. Like last year, we are raising operating funds via ChipIn and could use all the help you can send us. This is the “it takes money to raise money” and we hope you’ll chip-in so we can have a great event for this year’s cause – Young Chicago Authors.

3. As the weather improves, so does my training for the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day walk. You can check out my participant page or my team page for the Titterati. Thanks to those who have already donated, it makes every step easier. Sadly, since I signed up for the race I’ve learned that I have two more reasons to walk. The sister of former colleague Rachel D and the mother of my friend Rachel F are both battling breast cancer.

4. My friend Sarah was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphona over five years ago. She has now celebrated 5 years in remission and is a mother. She and her husband are dear friends who I rarely see, but every year Sarah does the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. She even donates part of her profites from her company Charity’s Candles & Crafts to ACS. If you would like, you can support her as well.

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