Last night, Amy Guth (who is raising funds for the St. Jude Marathon) took me on my first training walk and kicked my ass in a good way. We walked four miles in an hour and 5-10 minutes. That’s a 16-17 minute mile, if you’re keeping track. Tomorrow morning will be my second training walk. Another 4 miles, but this time on my own. I’m going to keep it simple and just walk south on my street two miles, then turn around and come back.
Boring? Yes. Can I figure out the mileage? Yes.
This morning I was assigned my personal page for fund raising and tonight I’m gob smacked. In less than 12 hours, my community (both online and offline) has donated $1021.00. I’m only required to raise $2200 and raised my goal to $3600. I think I might push it up to $5400. Why? $3600 is 200 donations of $18 and $5400 is 300 donations.
Chai means life in Hebrew and has the numeric value of 18. Kind of superstitious, but Jews like to write checks in multiples of 18. That’s me.
I even got a really nice shout-out from Beth Kanter tonight on her blog, where she weaves my training into the greater story of Cancer fighting on Twitter. I want to give shout-outs to everyone who has given, but only those who made their name public on the honor roll.
Thank you, first, to my anonymous donors. You all rock and you know who you are.
Marshall, a colleague from the London office, was the first donor today! Thanks Marshall! My amazing friend Cathy who refuses to blog or have a digital presence chipped in. Amy and her husband Justin gave in memory of his mother. Michael, a former colleague who I need to see more of, donated as well. As did the generous Rabbi known as Frume Sarah, who I know through some super fun Jewish geography, and Suzanne Reisman who is out and about in support of her new book.
Colleague Mary donated to show her pride in the Komen 3-Day and Constantin from Converseon also joined in. Semi-anonymous donors John and Libby rocked the honor roll, as did fellow Edelmanites Eric and Stephanie. Uber-couple Phil and Leticia chipped in and so did my former colleague (from Fort Lewis days) Jamie (who does the 3-Day EVERY YEAR). THIS JUST IN: Right before I hit publish, the Gruven Rueuven Family also donated and my colleague Robin who did a half-marathon and promises to take me walking in NYC if I get there.
Whew. So… if you want to join the honor roll, anonymously or not, please take a moment and donate.