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Writer's pictureLeah Jones

I know you think challah is boring.

I know, everyone is sick of reading about the bread I bake. Today I am a challah bakery–making three loaves–giant loaves using the amount of dough I usually make 2-3 loaves from. I think I got so much bread out of the dough in the past, because I didn’t knead it properly. So I’m a little concerned that my new properly kneaded dough might not be the same bread that everyone has loved this year. Maybe I’ll go back to making it the wrong way after Rosh Hashanah.

Right now I have a completed loaf on a cooling rack, one (fake) braided loaf rising in the oven, and one unbraided lump on the first rise. I actually made a challah schedule to make sure I survived the day and got everything made. I started this morning by (fake) braiding one and starting the second before I went to Metropolis for coffee. Then I got back, popped one in the oven, punch the other down for the second rise, and started mixing the third batch.

In eight minutes, I’ll bake the second braid and punch down the third, add raisins and start it to rise.

Okay, I agree, I’m not Meir Shelev–baking is boring. Unless I do something really exciting with challah in the future, this is my last challah post.

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