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  • Writer's pictureLeah Jones

It feels so good in here.

When I came home from my week of basking in a fire’s glow in Virginia, I came home to an entirely new condo. For just under $200 (not including the time or bookshelves) three of my friends had completely changed my living space. While I thought I needed to buy a new condo, they knew I really just needed better flow and better flow I got.

I walked in the door, expecting to plotz, but nearly started to cry. I could not believe the transformation that they’d given me. All I expected was the books to be moved and some of the art to be moved. Other than that, really, what was possible.

Um. A lot.

And they saved me $50 to $100K in the process, because seriously, I thought I needed to upgrade. The newly decorated place felt so good, that I immediately wanted people over, so I had a little gathering on Saturday night. Ten friends were able to come over for wine, dips and Jill’s amazing apple crumble.

Anyone who had been over before the Trading Spaces (without the requisite actual trading of spaces) knew that it was better. Not just did it looke better, but it felt better. The energy had shifted, seriously. One friend said immediately, “Oh, whoever did this knows feng shui.”

The move of my desk from the kitchen side of the living to the window, really opened things up. It is hard to explain, but it really did shift. My condo is now a place I want to be. Another benefit? Writing has dramatically improved at home. Good thing, too, since I need to write the book.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to my friends. They (you) really shifted my mojo and while things were starting to improve, you gave it a turbo boost with your decorating kung-fu!

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