So when after date two with Rock N Roll, I politely emailed all the other great guys from that ad and said I wouldn’t be writing for awhile. I want to see where this one goes. Unfortunately, there was that one guy I did really want to meet. But because I can’t multitask when it comes to dating, I sent him the same email.
I emailed him earlier this week and haven’t heard from him. I haven’t got the will to write another CL ad quite yet, so I went over to The Onion. I filled a new ad–the last I only had up a day or two. This one is JBCWriter (JBC means Jew by Choice.) Then I started looking for jewish men in my age range and who do I find? The super-cool guy I had to blow off because of Rock N Roll. Before when I was on The Onion I noticed his and thought it was clever, but this time I realized it was him.
After the whole thing with Friendster Boy–the one who turned out to be a customer and thought I was stalking him–I’m not big on “it’s a small crazy online dating world.” But I still think he sounds cool. What do I do?
I think I chill. My dad is coming up tomorrow, I’ve put an offer in on a condo, tomorrow I’m buying a new bed, and next weekend my cousin AND my high school boyfriend are coming to visit. H.S. Boyfriend and I haven’t seen each other since about 1997 or so. He has been married, had a child, and divorced in the years in between. I have moved all over the country and stayed single. Now he is coming to visit and I’m going to drag him to the party at my temple for Purim!
What a wild, wild world. What I’m trying to say is DON’T email interesting boy on The Onion, don’t post another CL ad. Focus on the condo. Focus on the buget. Focus on what is already on my plate.