I am currently subscribed to one magazine. YES! A magazine for a positive future. It is a great quarterly magazine that is focusing on the good things people are doing to change society and the environment.
I was surprised to see it in my mailbox today, mainly because I’d forgot I had a subscription. Here’s the deal–the magazine’s I buy on newstands are trash. Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Jane (not as crappy), Marie Claire. Magazines that getting a subscription to would save me lots of money, but then I would have to admit I read them every month. I don’t want to be the type of woman who reads Cosmo every month.
So I save my subscriptions for good magazines, magazines that make me (appear to be) the type of person I am proud to be. Yes! Utne Reader, and Jim Hightower’s newsletter. While I enjoy these magazines and newsletters, I don’t rush out and resubscribe or buy the next issue off the newsstand.
It bothers me that I will inhale a Cosmo (the magazine, not the drink) in two hours, but YES! will languish half read for a month. Eventually I’ll read every article, but I can’t read it as quickly. Why? It has real articles and important article.
Sigh. When does the next Glamour hit the stands?