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  • Writer's pictureLeah Jones

Not Quite Haveil Havalim: An Incomplete Superman Sam Round-up

I can’t keep up with the messages and emails and texts. I am overwhelmed with them. I think it is in a good way. I scroll through my Facebook feed, my email, my texts… and cry. My friends, my sweet wonderful friends, who are doing what they do best. Writing…sharing…posting….and of course, fundraising. So many posts. Articles….oh, so many articles. (Would a good mother keep a scrapbook? A good blogger might have a list of links.)

A list of links… that’s something tangible that I can help with in a situation where I feel rather helpless. In the spirit of Haveil Havalim and in Sam’s memory, here are all the blog posts I could find. If I missed something, please link in the comments.

I’ve tried to put these into a few main categories. The first are from people as they learned that Sam had died, the second is more specifically about 36 Rabbis Shave for the Brave (which reached their first team goal of raising $180,000 yesterday), the third is from other parents of children with cancer (I think there are more posts out there) and the fourth includes poetry and d’varim Torah (sermons) inspired by Sam and the Sommer family.

There’s a lot of overlap and these could have been grouped differently. Also, I know that I missed posts, but this is the first 10 pages of Google results for a few different search terms. Please help if I missed something or messed something up…

Learning of Sam Sommer’s Death

  1. Sorrow, Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr

  2. Sometimes Heroes Fall, Joshua Wilner

  3. How to Help the Newly Bereaved, Sabrina

  4. In Memoriam, Rhythm Guitar Rabbi

  5. A Moment to Consider: The Life of Sam, Anita Silvert, JUF

  6. Community, Ima to Eight

  7. The Death of a Super Hero, Hadassah Sabo Milner

  8. Chicago End of Life Coalition, repost of Chicago Tribune

  9. In Honor of Superman Sam, Dancing with Fireflies

  10. Reaching Out Across the Abyss of Grief, Mayyim Hayyim

  11. Putting Things In Perspective, Shiloh Musings

  12. Superman Sam Rests in Peace, The Comic Book Shop

  13. Tribute to “Superman Sam,” Rachel Kohl Finegold

  14. Carrying on the Good Fight, Rachel

  15. The Ripple Effect, Laurence Furic

  16. The Superman Passes, Hadass Eviatar

  17. Updates

  18. Superman Sam & the Power of Social Media, Ken Gordon, Kveller

  19. Thank you for Sharing Sam, Rabbi Rebecca Sirbu

  20. You Are The Most Dishonest Blogger Ever, Jack Stein

  21. Sandy’s Hook and Superman Sam: Theodicy and Responsibility, Debbie Young-Somers

  22. Tears Today, Rabbi Eleanor Steinman

  23. Distance is Just a Test to See How Far Friendship can Travel, Rabbi David Levy

  24. Tears for a Life Too Short, Lexi Light

  25. As I sit here in California, Rabbi Laura Novak Winer

  26. Letter to Chicago, Jane the Writer

  27. Rabbi Jill Berkson Zimmerman’s Facebook page

  28. Superman Sam, Mrs. Belogski

  29. Update 12/27

  30. Thank You for Sharing: Going Public with the Private, Rabbi Charles Briskin

  31. How the Internet changes how we mourn, Esther Kustanowitz in Haaretz

  32. Update 1/9/13

  33. The Legacy of Superman Sam, Deborah Gallant

#36Rabbis, Shave for the Brave

  1. Why I’m Crocheting, Juliet Barr

  2. Why I’m Shaving My Head, Rabbi Debra Kassoff

  3. 36 Rabbis are Shaving Their Heads, Kveller

  4. I’m Shaving My Head, Rabbi Jason Rosenberg

  5. Shaving Heads, Sharing Hope, My Jewish Learning

  6. Not All Superheros Wear Capes, Rabbi Emma Gottlieb

  7. As 8-year-old succumbs to cancer, rabbis pledge head-shaving tribute, Arizona Jewish Post

  8. A Prayer for Superman Sam, Rabbi Ruth Adar

  9. Heart Broken, Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr

  10. Turtles, Superheroes and Saving Lives, Jean

  11. The Hat Project – Hats for #36Rabbis

  12. Superman Sam and Shave for the Brave, Martha Abelson Photography

  13. Updates 12/27

  14. Why I joined 36 Rabbis Shave for the Brave, Rabbi Jeremy Winacker

  15. Ask Me Why I’m Shaving My Head, Rabbi Yair Robinson

  16. Updates 1/3/14

  17. A Renewed Appreciation of Bald Rabbis, Margie Bogdanow

  18. Changing My Profile Picture Doesn’t Mean I Forget, Rabbi Heidi Cohen

  19. Shave for the Brave: My Pledge, Rabbi Ruth Adar

From other parents of children with cancer

D’var Torah, Prayers and Poetry about or inspired by Sam Sommer


Mainstream Media

Reflections from Sam’s Funeral


I know this list is incomplete, so please help me by adding links that you’ve seen in the comments below. I’ve tried to make sure that I included the correct honorifics for writers, but raise your hand if I made you into a rabbi and you aren’t one or if I accidentally removed your ordination.

You can also leave your link in this Google Form.

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