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  • Writer's pictureLeah Jones

Old bits and new bits.

I pulled out a notebook with old set lists in it today. Why? A guy I do improv with wants to learn about stand up comedy and wanted to see how I used to work. There were some bits I’d totally forgotten and some that I still have memorized. Classics like “Customer Service” and “Step Class” and even “Harvard, Homeless.” They were my set list from Tequila Roadhouse, two years old. Wow. It’s been two years since the nights at the Tequila Roadhouse?

A bit I’m dying to do, that I bet someone has already jumped on is Florida’s Karma. They botched the last presidential election and this election year, they are getting hit by every hurricane forming out in the atlantic ocean. It is funny in a totally inappropriate way, I know. But if I phrased it right, you would be hootin’ and hollerin’ right now. The democrats and the hurricanes are in cahoots. Just like Bush, Bush, and Fox news.

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