I’m not sure I intended to make this shabbat so shabbaty, but I did. I fell asleep on the couch after shul last night and slept until noon. With all the lights on. Out cold, so I guess I’m tired. And after a surprising afternoon sob, I’m guessing I’m still tired. As much as I want to go out tonight and be little miss social, my tear ducts are telling me to order a pizza and stay home.
Looks like I won’t see Ronnie before he heads on vacation, so I’ll have to mail him his Hanukah presents. How pathetic is it when two people who live less than five miles apart have to mail presents to each other? And by to each other, I mean from me to him.
A business trip this week is going to eat up a big chunk of my pre-holiday time. Then Hanukah starts on Friday night and not having a Jewish family to call my own, I don’t have much in the way of plans. Oh, I’m sure there will be a latke here or there and I’ll light the menorah at my place every night…
I got to have dinner with a few friends last night that I don’t see too often and I finally got a mystery solved. Or not solved at all. As you all know, I check my stats a bit too much. I recognize IP addresses of regular readers, but for the most part don’t know who they are. Especially since services like Comcast show up as a different suburb when I look at my site from home. Anyway, there is an IP address from a law firm that I’d always assumed was a friend’s ex. Turns out he works at a different lawfirm and is not my loyal reader. So, um, Hello to Mystery Law Firm Fan. Glad you’re here, wish you’d say hello sometime.
In other news, do you Dooce? On her last post she got over 500 comments. Wow. I was teasing Steve the other day that there is no jealousy in the blogosphere, but when I see Dooce getting 500 comments on one post… I get a little jealous. (I guess the right term is envy, I get envious.) But then I’m relieved that I don’t get hate mail, so I’ll take my 0-6 comments any day.
Well, it’s five. I’m still in my pjs. I should probably do something about that, like maybe go back to bed.
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