My night was actually much nicer than I wrote last night, I was just on the highly annoyed side of New Year’s Eve. Remember, I left my house with pretty low expectations–and it turns out that everyone I went to dinner with did as well. Nobody really seems to like New Year’s Eve, but everyone will grudgingly go out.
Yes, I did spend an insane amount of money of the shirt I wore and way way way more on dinner than I expected. The one thing that I was relieved about at dinner was that I have learned not to skip an appetizer or get a cheaper entre hoping to make my portion of the bill smaller. That sounds kind of greedy or something, but it is just practical. Something I learned the hard way about going out to eat with grown-ups.
Dinner was a blast. I didn’t know two of the people when we got there, but by the end of dinner it felt like we were all old friends. It might have been the round-the-table questions about Christmas and New Year’s Resolutions. The food was phenomanal. I split a duck confit risotto to start with. Yummy. Then had a NY strip with, um, french fries. I definitely meant to order something more French–but that is challenging when you are also trying to keep kosher. So I had to skip the yummy cream sauce and many of the dishes. Dessert there was a creme brulee and an apple tart. Wonderful, again, simply wonderful.
Then we were off to the party in east east east Ukrainian village. It was a very nice condo and was jam packed with people. We got our drinks and sat in a corner. Eventually we started talking to the small group next to us, who were the other Not Lawyers there. This is when I started talking to the guy that I ranted about a little last night. Seriously, we talked on and off for an hour or so. He refilled my cup a couple times–which later turned out to be the unbreakable habits of a bartender and not the moves of someone trying to win me over. Because when he refilled my drinks he was really trying to hit on Cathy.
Maybe if you are trying to hit on girl A, don’t spend all night talking to girl B. Just a hint, for the future. And when I said the stuff about thinking he was Jewish last night–I did. All the lessons I’ve tried to learn about sussing out who is jewish and who isn’t–well, I’m flushing all those lessons down the toilet.
So then we called it a night a little before one and I was in bed by 1:30, not that I really thought I was going to stay out all night–but I’d made a lot of effort on my hair/make-up/overall look and thought it deserved more time out and about. After I went to bed, my phone rang and my upstairs neighbors were on the other end telling me to come upstairs. I went and hung out for another hour or so with a group of neighbors and friends. It was a nice ending to the night–which overall was very nice. There was just that one frustrating moment.